Solving common problems of UPVC doors
While it is true that UPVC doors and windows have several advantages over those that are made up of steel and wood, they do have a few problems associated with them. While the tilt and turn windows manufacturers in Delhi would only talk about their pros, you as a buyer must also know all about the cons and how to overcome them. Here we have listed some of the problems associated with UPVC doors and windows and also the optimal solutions that were offered by a reputed fixed windows manufacturer in Delhi.
1). UPVC doors and windows can easily expand and contract with the changing weather conditions. This can have a serious impact on the opening and closing of the door (when it expands). To solve this problem, you have to readjust the hinges and realign the door so that it fits the frame perfectly.
2). As the UPVC doors have a multi-lock mechanism, you may find that with continuous usage it will become stiff and you have to use more force to open. The only solution to the problem is to ask the door manufacturer to install a high-quality locking mechanism in the door. If everything fails, you have to replace the lock so that it works perfectly thereafter.
3). When you continuously use the door handle, it becomes loose, and sometimes even the locking mechanism does not work perfectly. In such a situation, you can try to shift the lock to the backplate and if that does not solve the problem then you have to change the whole system.
4). Over time, you will find that the shining of the door fades gradually. To bring back the shine, you must take a soft cloth and wash the door gently with soap water to clean the crime of the surface. Once the dust and dirt are removed from the surface of the door, you will find the initial shine coming back.
These are just some of the issues that are related to UPVC doors and their solutions.